Juniper EX2200 使用USB更新韌體
本來是用 TFTP 更新,不過因為 jinstall 檔案太大、動不動就斷線,有人提示可以使用 USB 更新。
不過測試時,USB 更新還是有點小不穩,最好的方法還是把檔案先複製到 /var/tmp 下面再更新。
1.Install Junos on the EX switch via the CLI (Command Line Interface) prompt:
Mount the USB device to the switch:
root@switch01:RE:0% mount_msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /mnt/
root@switch01:RE:0% cli
root@switch01> request system software add validate /mnt/ex2200/jinstall-ex-2200-12.3R3.4-domestic-signed.tgz
2.Reboot the EX switch:
root@switch01> request system reboot
3.After the reboot has completed, log in and verify that the new version of the software is properly installed:
user@switch> show version
PS.12.3R3.4版本更新最好跑 jloader 去更新、才不會有下面的 alarm 訊息發生
Upgrade bank is empty or corrupted for FPC 0, please do standard upgrade sequence
root@switch01> request system software add validate /var/tmp/jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge-signed.tgz
root@switch01> request system reboot
root> ...r-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge-signed.tgz
tar: +CONTENTS: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669669 s in the future
tar: +COMMENT: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669669 s in the future
tar: +DESC: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669669 s in the future
tar: +INSTALL: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669668 s in the future
tar: jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge.tgz: time stamp Mar 26 11:56 2011 is 9668795 s in the future
tar: jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge.tgz.md5: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669667 s in the future
tar: jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge.tgz.sha1: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669667 s in the future
tar: jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge.tgz.sig: time stamp Mar 26 12:11 2011 is 9669667 s in the future
tar: certs.pem: time stamp Mar 26 08:02 2011 is 9654776 s in the future
verify-sig: cannot validate ./certs.pem
certificate is not yet valid: /C=US/ST=CA/L=Sunnyvale/O=Juniper Networks/OU=Juniper CA/CN=PackageDevelopment_11_3_0/emailAddress=ca@juniper.net
The problem is that the date of the switch is set to a date earlier than the date on which the jloader was built, therefore the certificate for the file is not yet valid. The solution is to either synchronize the date on the switch to a NTP server or to manually set the date. To manually set the date to July 7th 2011 5:00PM, use the following command:
root@switch> set date 201107071700.00
Thu Jul 7 17:00:00 UTC 2011
Running the command request system software add <package-name> will not display any more errors at this point.
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